National Rural ITS Conference

Article from WTI eNews April 2011 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho –August 28-31, 2011 Named by French-speaking fur traders, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho has long been a hub for exchanging goods. In 2011, we will continue this tradition as we exchange knowledge and information at the 2011 National Rural ITS Conference and ITS Rocky Mountain Annual Meeting. Located on the shore of […]

UTC Partnerships Highlighted in National Transportation Magazine

(Article from WTI eNews April 2011) Successful research partnerships developed by the University Transportation Center program were the focus of a cover article in the January/February 2011 issue of Public Roads magazine. WTI Director Steve Albert and O. A. Elrahman, head of Research Coordination & Technology Transfer in the Transportation R&D Bureau at the New […]

“One-Stop Shop” Website to Display Rural Traveler Information Across Four State Region

(Article from April 2011 eNews) Real-time weather information is a valuable resource for highway travelers making long distance trips, especially when they are faced with snow, ice or other challenging driving conditions. While there is plenty of weather and road information available on the Internet, it can be scattered over numerous websites, especially if a […]

A View from the Window – the Locomotive Windshield

While defogging and chipping ice off of automobile windshields can be slow, tedious work, motorists typically have the tools and the ability to pull over to complete the task. For operators of locomotives pulling freight cars, the task is a bit more daunting. Locomotives are designed to operate in very harsh weather conditions in order […]

Winter Maintenance and Effects Update

(Article from April 2011 eNews) As regions across the United States braced for snow storm after snow storm this winter, transportation in areas typically unaccustomed and unprepared for these types of conditions came to a grinding halt, paralyzing some cities for days at a time. While most of these scenarios reflect emergency situations where large […]

Winter Maintenance and Effects – It’s not just about moving snow…

(Introduction from April 2011 eNews) The calendar tells us it is spring, but for those of us in the northern regions of the country, it may be wishful thinking and a bit premature to remove the snow tires on our vehicles just yet. As we reflect on this winter, we remember hazardous Thanksgiving driving, Christmas […]

2nd Road Dust Best Management Practices Conference—Save the Date!

Article from WTI eNews April 2011 Las Vegas, Nevada – November 7-9, 2011 The 2011 Road Dust Best Management Practices Conference will bring together local, state and county road practitioners, as well as researchers and federal agencies to discuss current practices, identify best practices and share lessons learned, to enhance the management of dust on unpaved roads. The themes of […]

Girl Scouts Engineering Day

(Article from WTI eNews, April 2011) Approximately one hundred Girl Scouts from Bozeman and surrounding communities visited MSU on Saturday, February 26 to explore engineering careers and activities. The event, sponsored by the Western Transportation Institute, was held to commemorate Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day during National Engineering Week. The girls (fourth through sixth graders) had the opportunity to interact with MSU engineering […]

Safe Passages Research Experience for Undergraduates

(Article from WTI eNews, April 2011) The Western Transportation Institute completed the final year of its three-year NSF-funded Safe Passages Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program this summer. The goal of the program was to address the nation’s need for innovative solutions to issues arising at the interface between the nation’s rural transportation infrastructure and the natural environment. […]