Community-Engaged And Transformational Scholarship

CATS is an initiative to facilitate large-scale meaningful and impactful partnerships between Montana State University and surrounding communities through course-based project collaborations.
Example Community Needs/Goals:
• Identify effective public
engagement tools
• Assure water quality and conservation
• Address climate change resiliency
• Support community health and wellness
• Develop safe routes to school
• Manage congestion/promote alternative
transportation modes
• Create community through arts,
culture, and placemaking
• Assess and enhance accessibility
• Promote local producers/
economic development
• Ensure affordable housing stock

University Expertise
• Business • Environmental Science
• Community Health • Planning
• Environmental Health • Art
• Economics • Landscape Design
• Education • Architecture
• Geography • Sociology
• Public Administration
• Sustainable Food Systems
• Health and Human Development
• Engineering and Computer Science
• Marketing and Communications
The initiative delivers a simple model to:
• Match community identified needs and community driven projects to university capacity and expertise
• Magnify engagement of students and faculty across departments and disciplines
• Work within existing institutional structures using an “opt-in” framework for engagement
• Afford students with valuable opportunities to apply skills in real contexts while making positive impacts in their communities
• Provide access to new ideas, energy, and university capacity to local partners to solve pressing community-based needs

Branch Out Bozeman – Hydrology Layer
Branch Out Bozeman is a formal city-wide initiative to protect and enhance areas of Bozeman’s urban forest that have the greatest impact on water quality. The project is a partnership between the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin Watershed Council and supported by a grant from the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program. Two GIS student interns contributed to the creation of a holistic and accurate Hydrology layer to help the City

Belonging Project
As part of its efforts to improve equity and inclusion, the City of Bozeman is interested in gaining an understanding of what “sense of belonging” means to residents in our community, including the meaning of belonging and the factors that promote or hinder a sense of belonging. The City is especially interested in understanding the perspectives of residents who may have previously been excluded — either intentionally or unintentionally — from city processes and decision

Perceptions on Biking on MSU Campus
Biking is part of a multi-modal transportation strategy that has the potential to reduce traffic, alleviate parking pressure, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to healthier lifestyles through active transportation. Despite apparent benefits of biking as a transportation mode, questions remain as to why some people choose the smoke and others do not. Understanding motivations and barriers to bike commuting could inform transportation plans and programming. The purpose of this project is to understand how

What we know! Communicating public input for the Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan
The City of Bozeman, county and state government, and non-profit organizations are working together to protect important wildlife habitat, landscapes, and natural systems throughout the Gallatin Valley through the development of a Sensitive Lands Protection Plan, which will include recommendations and actions to help coordinate these efforts as the area grows. Students will learn about public participation efforts through the City of Bozeman for the sensitive lands project and create “What We Heard” fact sheets

City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Program Evaluation
The Program Evaluation course for the Master of Public Administration curriculum sets students up with local public and non-profit organizations to conduct a program evaluation, allowing students to get hands-on learning. A team of students collaborated with the Bozeman Neighborhoods Program to design an evaluation proposal appropriate to the Neighborhoods Program and to collect and analyze data. They produced a written evaluation and presented recommendations to the Program Director on their findings.

Community Storytelling
The City of Bozeman believes that storytelling may be a useful way to involve individuals in community projects, inform decision-making and promote equity. As such, the City is interested in developing a project that allows people to share their stories. To gather stories, the City needs guidance about potential methodological strategies and approaches. Students gathered resources related to storytelling in community projects; collected stories from individuals on MSU campus from groups of interest; analyzed and

Development Review Graphic
The student produced public-facing informational graphics on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and the permitting process to help the City communicate with residents about the purpose/benefits of ADUs and the permitting process for adding ADUs.

Bogert Park Usage Report
A report was compiled on Bogert Park usage, which included observation data taken from nine different time periods in the winter and spring. The report highlights popular amenities, modes of travel used to access the park, and suggestions for improvement based on observational data. Report: Bogert Park Observation Report

Public Participation 101
Students learned about public participation efforts through the City of Bozeman and what participation means for residents impacted by growth and development. They became conversant in legal definitions of public participation related to community planning and development and where public participation is outlined in Bozeman’s Unified Development Code and Community Plan. Students then designed public facing communication pieces (e.g. fact sheets, social media cards or videos) designed to educate the public on how to produce

Community Garden Expansion – Recommendations Based on Case Studies
Availability of community garden plots in Bozeman is not keeping up with interest and demand, yet expansion could burden limited city resources. Students explored solutions for expansion of community garden capacity within Bozeman through stakeholder interviews and case studies of comparable communities. Students presented recommendations to the City based on their findings. Final Report Community Garden Project Presentation Community Garden Project

Knowing Our Neighbors: Stories of Resilient Neighborhoods
A pandemic, an especially smoky fire season, and an unforgiving housing market have made the last two years especially challenging for people to build community and stay connected to social support networks. Photography students explored how documentary photography can help change the way we participate in building a community that is more resilient and more inclusive. Students related the stories of how neighbors supported each other during challenging times through the production of visual stories

Optimization Testing for Water Treatment Plant Pretreatment and Sludge Handling
The purpose of this project was to perform laboratory testing to aid in optimization of pretreatment and sludge handling at the Sourdough Drinking Water Plant. Students conducted jar testing to evaluate various doses of chemical addition and recycled wash water impact of removal of solids from raw water during pretreatment. They also measured the impact of chemical addition on the rate of sludge settling to determine optimal conditions for sludge separation in the gravity thickener.

Planning Communication and Model Ordinances
Students researched model sustainable development ordinances that are applicable to Bozeman’s Northeast neighborhood and the neighborhood’s growth pressures as related to sustainable development and public participation. Students presented policy briefs about the model ordinances, including examples and images, and outlining the effects of the ordinance type on local and regional social, environmental, and economic issues. Policy Hierarchies and Process Diagrams Sustainable Development Code Briefs

Defining Neighborhood Character
Social, economic, and/or physical changes in the northeast neighborhood of Bozeman so that future policies can better reflect their experiences, preferences and needs. The project also aimed to increase the engagement of renters in future decision making for development policies related to development approval processes, affordable housing, and/or neighborhood conservation. Students conducted targeted outreach to renters to increase their representation in research data about the northeast neighborhood. Students provided the City with a research summary

City of Bozeman Park Sustainability Audits
The purpose of the project was to assist the City of Bozeman Parks and Recreation Department in assessing and improving the sustainability of the current park system and to introduce students to the concepts of sustainability and climate resiliency within a public park setting, including analysis of park design, development and management within the City of Bozeman. Objectives of the project included creating metrics for assessing park system sustainability and resiliency and assessing the park

Defining Neighborhood Character
Students collected and analyzed data from a literature review, census data, and historic maps of a Bozeman neighborhood as well as from data gathered from a survey of neighborhood residents, stakeholder meetings, and a physical inventory of neighborhood attributes. The goal of the project was to better define neighborhood character and its meaning in terms of residents’ quality of life. Student presentations: Neighborhood Character The Neighborhood Character project was a collaborative effort over multiple semesters

Northeast Neighborhood Character Inventory
Students in the course created a neighborhood inventory data set and summarized and synthesized data collected on specified Northeast Neighborhood blocks. Reports provided to the City included an analysis of how inventory results fit with Bozeman’s Growth Policy as well as recommendations on incorporating neighborhood character into plans or policies. Student presentations: Northeast Neighborhood Inventory

A Data Collection System for Defining Neighborhood Character
The project created a data collection application in ArcCollector for conducting a neighborhood inventory. The project complements concurrent project work in Architecture and Planning courses (described above). A training workshop on using the application was conducted for other MSU project collaborators; and a standard operating procedure provided as a reference.

Modeling the Effects of Parking Occupancy in Downtown Bozeman
The project goal was to develop a model using simulation software for City of Bozeman Parking Services in the downtown area. The model detailed how parking availability affects the ability of customers and workers to find parking that fits their needs. The model was developed using previously and newly collected data. The model is intended to help the City of Bozeman Parking Services understand how different factors affect patrons’ ability to find parking in a timely

Urban Development Manual Illustrations
Students assisted the City of Bozeman Planning Department in developing an Urban Development Manual by creating visual aids and illustrations to make design requirements clearer and easier to understand. This project is a multi-semester effort continued from Fall 2020.

Bozeman Intergenerational Community Center
Students in the Community Design Center applied universal design for several scenarios to create an intergenerational community center for the City of Bozeman. The students provided conceptual, schematic design, and presentation documentation for the project.

Urban Development Manual Illustrations
Currently, the Bozeman Municipal Code’s Unified Development Code can be incredibly complex and esoteric for members of the public to engage with. This lack of transparency can lead to confusion for private citizens trying to understand laws and bylaws regarding land use and zoning. Students assisted the City in the development of an Urban Development Manual by creating numerous visual aids to make design requirements clearer and easier to understand. The illustrations visualize complex legal

Public perceptions of water resources, stormwater management, and communication: a city-wide survey
The purpose of this project was to provide the City of Bozeman Stormwater Division with baseline data of Bozeman residents’ perceptions of water resource challenges, stormwater management and education, and communication preferences. Students conducted a survey and utilized site observations to document and report on residents’ understanding of water resource issues and stormwater management in Bozeman as well as willingness to implement and fund stormwater management infrastructure. • Stormwater Survey Fact Sheet

Defining Neighborhood Character
• Architecture 523: Issues in City Planning: Participatory Design and Collaborative Planning • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program This project explored ways that Bozeman Neighborhood Associations and other community groups can work with the City of Bozeman to define neighborhood character. New development is intensifying in neighborhoods near the downtown core and the North 7th or “Midtown” corridor. Many residents have an interest in ensuring that new development contributes to their neighborhood’s identity as the city grows. This

Northeast Neighborhood Association PhotoVoice NE project
• Geography 490R: Undergraduate Research • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program In August 2019, the Northeast Neighborhood Association (NENA) organized the PhotoVoicesNE project to document the opinions the neighborhood’s residents have towards the neighborhood and its character. The aim of this project was to synthesize and analyze these voices into a concise report that compares residents’ visions for the neighborhood with the plans and regulations of the City of Bozeman, presented in the terminology used by the City.

Alternative Futures for Soroptomist Park & Bozeman Creek
• Horticulture 432: Advanced Landscape Design Studio; and • Environmental Science 448: Stream Restoration Ecology • Downtown Bozeman Partnership Student teams applied knowledge and skills for sustainable site design, utilizing SITES strategies and landscape performance metrics to investigate schematic site design scenarios for Soroptomist Park and the adjacent public parking lot and Bozeman Creek. The design studio worked with the Fluvial Landscape Lab in partnership with the Downtown Bozeman Partnership and invited community participants to

Off-campus housing environmental health awareness communications
• Environmental Health: Internship • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program The project developed social media and written communications for use by the MSU Dean of Students and Bozeman Neighborhoods Program to raise student awareness of environmental health issues in off-campus housing. Fire Safety Heavy Metals Mold and Mildew Pests Radon Safe Cleaning Well Water

Bozeman Police Department Public Service Announcements
This directed studies project developed short public safety film/media clips to serve as local public service announcements on social media channels for the Bozeman Police Department. Road Safety: https://youtu.be/5uEsL_TvLmI Proper Mask Disposal: https://youtu.be/4MlBBJFf7Is Good Neighbor: https://youtu.be/KH4ugGCuWr0 Carbon Monoxide: https://youtu.be/7vESkWrsKM0 Bicycle Safety: https://youtu.be/8Bxd7jMGNRg

Urban Design Manual Inputs
• Geography 365: Geographical Planning< • City of Bozeman Planning Department The City of Bozeman plans to develop an Urban Design Manual interactive website. The manual is meant to be an easy and graphically pleasing explanation of Bozeman’s form-based codes. Students assisted in this process by concisely describing various codes, their requirements, purpose and intent, and how they fit with Bozeman’s Community or Strategic Plans. Student Urban Manual Design inputs: GPHY365 Urban Design Manual

Stormwater Pipe Rehabilitation Feasibility Study
• Environmental Engineering 436: Stormwater Management & Engineering • City of Bozeman Stormwater Program The project engaged students in providing technical guidance and feasibility analysis for alternative pipe rehabilitation strategies to inform two unique projects: 1) the downtown trunk line rehabilitation project; and 2) the South Willson Avenue pipe rehabilitation project. Both projects required an analysis of suitable rehabilitation options to extend the system’s lifecycle by 50-75 years with minimal disturbance to adjacent properties, utilities

Decentralized Stormwater Facilities Assessment Tool and Implementation Plan
• Environmental Engineering 436: Stormwater Management & Engineering • City of Bozeman Stormwater Program The City of Bozeman is seeking to improve its condition assessment efforts of privately or HOA-owned engineered stormwater facilities through the development of a data-driven inspection tool to quantitatively assess the current status of facilities and determine maintenance needs. The project engaged students in developing a quantitative condition assessment protocol and rating system. Stormwater Facility Inspection Proposal: HOA Stormwater Facility Inspection Proposal

Snowplow Route Optimization
• Industrial & Management Systems Engineering 499: Design Capstone • City of Bozeman Streets Department The City of Bozeman faces a significant challenge every winter in keeping city roads clear of snow and ice. Over the years, as the city has grown, so has the amount of snow plowing. Routes have been added and expanded to meet the growth. But currently, the Bozeman Street Department is not sure that the routes in use are optimal. The project

Bozeman Parks and Trails Research
• Architecture 452: Research Methods in Architecture • City of Bozeman Recreation and Parks Department The project conducted open space mapping, user counts, surveys, and precedent research to provide data to the City and the Gallatin Valley Land Trust that they can use in future open space planning, particularly for trails and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Students incorporated research findings, including user count and survey data, precedents for design or policy interventions to develop proposed

Community Service for Parking Fines Project Design
• Honors 494: Design Thinking for the Community • City of Bozeman Parking Program The City Parking Program would like to prototype a fine reduction for community service program in the parking district nearest to the MSU campus. Such a program has the potential to positively impact the members of the community for whom payment of parking fines is a heavy financial burden. A second goal for the project is to improve the relationship between

Traffic Calming/Complete Streets Project Design
• Honors 494: Design Thinking for the Community • City of Bozeman Transportation Engineering College Street between 8thand 11this a busy thoroughfare with heavy student and bike/pedestrian usage. Students explored various traffic calming designs for the street and planned to implement a temporary pop-up project to test streetscape redesign options. (*Note: due to COVID-19 restrictions put in place during Spring semester 2020, students were not able to implement and evaluate a pop-up project; instead they provided

Public Art Map Web Overlay
>• Geography 358: GPS Mapping Service Learning • City of Bozeman GIS Department The City of Bozeman envisions a creative, learning culture through, among other things, support for public art. Working with City GIS staff, students in a senior level GIS course gathered the clean spatial data needed to add public art installations around town as a layer on the City’s public interactive mapping application, allowing members of the public to explore public art installation locations.

Accessory Dwelling Unit Design
• Architecture 451: Design for Community • City of Bozeman Planning & Community Development Division Bozeman’s rapid growth has led to a shortage in housing, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) such as apartments over garages can provide expanded options. Working with Bozeman Community Development staff, Architecture students developed multiple ADU design options and models, construction documents and cost estimates, and information resources for community members interested in adding an ADU to their property to assist them in

Public Education on Street Design for Traffic Calming & Safety
• Education 588: Science Assessment Principles • City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Office Bozeman is encouraging neighborhood-based efforts to address traffic safety concerns by supporting the installation of low-cost temporary traffic calming projects. Secondary school teachers enrolled in an MSU graduate education course assisted the City in adding to its public outreach and awareness materials on traffic calming strategies by developing lesson plans that can be implemented in STEM classrooms at the middle school level. Lesson Plans:

Visual Media to Promote Fire Safety Awareness & Education
• Film 301: Issues in Lens-Based Media • City of Bozeman Fire Chief MSU film students developed visual media to improve fire and accident prevention awareness among Bozeman community members, working with the Bozeman Fire Department to capture local footage that is relevant and recognizable to our community. KAEL VAN BUSKIRK Cooking Safety: https://youtu.be/Zq18NX2cxBk EJ HANSON Smoke Alarm: https://youtu.be/CKsOniIVPGk EJ HANSON Emergency Preparedness: https://youtu.be/ipch7IS5W98 SAM OVERTURF Sprinkler Safety: https://youtu.be/RPMmpCrwBLc THOMAS McGUANE Pull To The Right

Environmental Health Issues for Students Living in Off-campus Housing
• BIOM 210: Principles of Environmental Health Science • City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Office The tight housing market in Bozeman and lack of adequate literacy about environmental health issues associated with independent living put students at potential risk. Students in this course researched and documented a variety of environmental health issues related to off-campus housing for compilation into information resources for student renters. Student Posters: Asbestos in Households and Industry | Lead Poisoning | Dampness

Urban Design Manual Inputs
• Geography 520: Land Use Planning • City of Bozeman Planning Department Students explored urban design theories and trends in conjunction with Bozeman’s Municipal Code to identify potential applications for inclusion in an Urban Design Manual. Student reports: • An Opportunity to Incorporate Biophilia • Storefront Block Frontage Standards

Complete Street Design
• Honors 494: Design Thinking for the Community • City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Office Students engaged student and local business stakeholders to develop streetscape designs for College St. between 8th and 11th to improve biker and pedestrian safety. Students explored the potential for a design prototype to be deployed and tested as a temporary pop-up traffic calming demonstration project. Student report : A Redesign of College Street between 8thAvenue and 11thAvenue