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WTI and Moscow State University to Collaborate

WTI and the Moscow State University for Transport Engineering (MIIT) in Russia received Contract Funding from the Eurasia Foundation’s University Partnership Program for collaborative activities aimed at establishing resource sharing mechanisms and a joint course. Shared resources and coursework will focus on enhancing mobility and equitable access to transportation services for persons with disabilities. (Susan […]

Using Wool to Control Roadside Erosion

20 Things You Didn’t Know About……Wool. It hates liquid, loves vapor, and is fire –resistant. And, according to number 12, Montanans use it on the roadside for erosion control! See Rob Ament’s fun shout out in the October 1 issue of Discover Magazine.

Marcel Huijser continues his road ecology outreach activities in Brazil.

Marcel recently gave a seminar at DERSA (Sao Paulo state road administration agency). The seminar was reported on in the September 2014 issue of O EMPREITEIRO, a widely circulated Brazilian engineering magazine. If you are feeling confident in your Portuguese, see the full article at: Prefer to read in English? Check out Marcel’s latest […]

Rob Ament to Speak in Crucial Habitat Webinar

WTI’s Rob Ament will be a featured speaker and panelist for an upcoming webinar, Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHAT) and Wildlife Data. The program is part of the Eco-Logical Webinar Series presented by the GHWA Office of Project Development and Environmental Review. Tuesday, November 12, 2015 1:00pm MT. To register, please visit

Utah DOT Research Newsletter highlights WTI work

The Summer 2015 issue of the Utah DOT Research Newsletter highlights the valuable research made possible by Clear Roads, the Pooled Fund Project led by the Minnesota DOT. Several important and practical Clear Roads research projects are featured, including WTI’s Corrosion Manual and the Environmental Best Practices Manual.

WTI to work with City of Bozeman

WTI will be working with the City of Bozeman on the development of a Travel Demand Forecast Model (TDM) as the City has just begun working on an update to their Transportation Master Plan (TMP). WTI will develop a TDM that the City of Bozeman can utilize to more frequently evaluate transportation investments and will […]

Center for Health and Safety Culture Hosts Traffic Safety Culture Training

The Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) hosted the annual in-person meeting for the Traffic Safety Culture Transportation Pooled Fund at WTI on September 28th and 29th. The meeting is part of a 5 year pooled fund program for which the Center is the principal research entity and management support. There are 11 states […]

Center for Health and Safety Culture Provides Training to 60 Professionals.

Jay Otto and Katie Dively of the Center for Health and Safety Culture trained 60 professionals on the new Positive Culture Framework designed to serve communities and organizations in their efforts to improve health and safety. The 2.5 day training held in Portland, Oregon last week hosted attendees from Canada, Palau, and thirteen states across […]