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WTI launches program to study safe integration of semi-autonomous trucks

In a recent press release, MSU describes CHAPTA, a proposed WTI program to study how to safely integrate driverless technology into the nation’s trucking fleet. View the article: Visit the CHAPTA web page:

Learn about the ITE Vision Zero Virtual Toolbox

The National Center for Rural Road Safety (Safety Center) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) are co-hosting a FREE, 1.5-hour online webinar about ITE’s new Vision Zero Toolbox. The toolbox showcases best practices, analytical techniques, policy guidance, and communication and educational tools for Vision Zero (the goal of zero traffic fatalities among all road […]

Road Ecology researcher, Rob Ament invited to India.

Rob Ament has just returned from a week long meeting in India hosted by the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP). India currently faces numerous wildlife protection challenges; for example, protected areas are often too small to support viable populations of wide-ranging species, such as elephants and tigers, especially if highways and other development […]

New Publication: “Effectiveness of Liquid Agricultural By-products and Solid Complex Chlorides for Snow and Ice Control,”

The Journal of Cold Regions Engineering has published “Effectiveness of Liquid Agricultural By-products and Solid Complex Chlorides for Snow and Ice Control,” authored by Anbu Muthumani and Xianming Shi. The article summarizes their work to conduct a laboratory investigation of the thermal properties, ice melting behavior, and corrosivity of agro-based deicers, in order to compare […]

WTI transit project spotlight in Rural Connections Magazine

A WTI project on developing viable transit options in Wyoming is the subject of a feature article in the Spring 2017 issue of Rural Connections Magazine. David Kack, Jaydeep Chaudhari, and Taylor Lonsdale authored “Exploring Transit Feasibility in Park County, Wyoming,” which highlighted their collaboration with the Powell Economic Partnership, Inc. and the Forward Cody, […]

Congratulations, Graduates! Doug Galarus and Carla Little.

Two WTI staff members received advanced degrees at the Montana State University Spring Commencement Ceremony on May 6.  Doug Galarus earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the College of Engineering, and Carla Little received her Master’s in Higher Education from the College of Education, Health and Human Development.

Center for Health and Safety Culture announces webinar on Positive Culture Framework.

 The Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) will host a webinar entitled “What is the Positive Culture Framework?” which will introduce the Center’s approach to improving health and safety at the community level.  This framework builds on the shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that already exist in a culture to promote health and safety, […]

CESTICC Announces Summer Workshop

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) will hold its annual Summer Workshop on Thursday, August 10 in Pullman, Washington at Washington State University. The workshop will provide an opportunity for exchange on each of CESTiCC’s research thrusts and will feature a student poster competition and lectern sessions on a variety of […]

Connected Vehicles Presentation Featured at Statewide Traffic Education Conference

Craig Shankwitz spoke to the Montana Traffic Educators Association conference in Great Falls, Montana last week, delivering a presentation on emerging vehicle technologies.  In his remarks, he stated that the connected vehicle technologies are more likely to be widely deployed before autonomous (or driverless) vehicles. Connected vehicles communicate to other vehicles or to roadside infrastructure, […]

Bozeman Commuter Challenge starts today!

Got your bike, walking shoes, or bus schedule ready? May 1 is the first day of the Bozeman Commuter Challenge. Special thanks to the Montana State University News Service for highlighting the event last week in a story on the MSU website.  WTI will use Bike Walk Montana’s Commuter Challenge website to keep track of […]