Canadian News Outlet Highlights WTI Wildlife Report
The Londoner, a news website out of London, Ontario cited WTI research in a story about the threats that highways pose to vulnerable wildlife. In “Highway Perils,” author Jenna Hunnef discusses the potential benefits of wildlife crossing structures: “Some may question the financial feasibility of such projects, but the numbers don’t lie: a 2008 report […]
Wool Blankets for Erosion Control: Research Highlighted in International Publication
Environmental Connection, the magazine of the International Erosion Control Association, published a feature article about Rob Ament’s wool research in its July 2017 issue. “Bullish for Wool: Using Wool in Erosion Control Blankets Shows Promising Results in Montana Study” summarizes the results of a project funded by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the […]
Wool Blankets for Erosion Control: Research Highlighted in International Publication
Environmental Connection, the magazine of the International Erosion Control Association, published a feature article about Rob Ament’s wool research in its July 2017 issue. “Bullish for Wool: Using Wool in Erosion Control Blankets Shows Promising Results in Montana Study” summarizes the results of a WTI project funded by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and […]
National Transit Program Promotes Intercity Bus Report
Last week, the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) highlighted a report by the Small Urban and Rural Livability Center (SURLC) in its online newsletter. The “Intercity Bus Stop Analysis,” authored by WTI’s Karalyn Clouser and David Kack, analyzed demographics in each of the forty-eight contiguous states, and provided an analysis of the number of rural and small […]
New Publication on Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis
Nicholas Ward, Ph.D., William Schell, Ph.D, Jay Otto, M.S., and Kari Finley, Ph.D. with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University along with Tara Kelley-Baker at the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety have published an article in the Traffic Injury Prevention Journal, entitled “Developing a theoretical foundation to change road user behavior […]
Canadian News Outlet Cites WTI Report.
The Londoner, a news website out of London, Ontario cited WTI research in a story about the threats that highways pose to vulnerable wildlife. In “Highway Perils,” author Jenna Hunnef discusses the potential benefits of wildlife crossing structures: “Some may question the financial feasibility of such projects, but the numbers don’t lie: a 2008 report […]
MSU Extension Highlights Roadside Vegetation Research
Using native plants for roadside revegetation is the lead story in the “Weed Post,” a monthly newsletter by the Montana State University Extension Office and the Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign. The article describes successful research by Rob Ament (WTI), Monica Pokorny (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Noelle Orloff (MSU) and Jane Mangold (MSU), which demonstrated that establishing […]