WTI Researchers Improving Roadway Safety in Big Sky

3D rendering of road with improved pedestrian crossing infrastructure and traffic calming.

Work is moving forward on a collaborative project between WTI and Big Sky Community Organization (BSCO) on an Ousel Falls Road traffic calming and place-making project. Organizers believe that the temporary infrastructure, funded through the Building Active Communities Initiative (BACI) and the Big Sky resort tax, will increase safety and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists […]

BREAKING NEWS: Animals Gather Amid World-Wide Roadway Protests

Collective Calls for Humans to “Share the Road” By Mike Price Field Correspondent In a shocking turn of events, animals worldwide have taken to roadways, creating massive blockades and bringing traffic to a standstill.  It appears that the tragic death toll caused by animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) has pushed many species to their limit of tolerance.  The range […]