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Ashley Kuhn

Ashley Kuhn
Status: Past
Served: 2023-2024
With: NPS
At: Badlands National Park, Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Station: Midwest Region Climate Fellow

Years Served: 2023-2024

Pre-Fellowship Education: Bachelor of Science in Geography from Ohio State University

Bio: Ashley served as the Midwest Region Climate Fellow. The purpose of her fellowship was to develop an erosion monitoring process to identify how erosion is impacting landscapes and transportation infrastructure as well as determine how climate change affects erosional forces. She focused on erosion monitoring in Badlands National Park.

Current Position (2024): GIS Technician

Project Title: Midwest Region – Climate Fellow

This transportation fellow position will work with the NPS Midwest Region (MWR) and be stationed in the Midwest Regional Office in Omaha, Nebraska. The fellow will be periodically deployed to MWR Parks, including Badlands National Park (BADL), Theodore Roosevelt National Park (THRO), and others, as assigned. The locations for these assignments will be determined by the MWR Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) with input of the fellow after the start of the position.

This transportation fellow will be focused on climate impacts within the Midwest Region. Some of the potential projects that the transportation fellow will provide support for during this assignment include:

• Assist with development of a strategy to monitor erosion of “badlands” terrain
• Lead erosion monitoring using equipment and training provided by NPS
• Assist in identifying and measuring factors influencing erosion
• Assist with development of a model to compare new data and existing data, to assess impacts, predict outcomes, and propose better management strategies
• Prepare responses to inquiries from Park, Regional, and National staff to help plan for future climate impacts and inform design choices
• Assist in development of a “Regional Prototype” for Climate Change Response Program of expected climate impacts in the future
• Prepare a list of recommended focus areas for environmental mitigation
• Analyze incidents requiring Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads Events to evaluate past responses and formulate recommendations for improvement
• Write research needs statements & applications to Federal Highway Administration Innovation and Research Council