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Charlie Gould

Charlie Gould
Status: Past
Served: 2020-2024
With: NPS
At: Wright Brothers National Park, Yellowstone National Park

Station: Emerging Mobility Fellow

Years Served: 2020-2024

Pre-Fellowship Education: Bachelors’ in History from University of Rochester

Bio: Charlie served as the Emerging Mobility Fellow. The chief focus of his fellowship was to test how autonomous vehicles behave and perform in a National Park setting. His work also touched on implementing other novel solutions to park transportation issues, including planning bikeshare infrastructure, weaving park cooperation with ridesharing companies, and assisting in the creation of new visitor information systems. In his free time, Charlie can be found photographing gorges, buildings, and railroads, and riding his bicycle a bit too fast.

Current Position (2024): Visual Information Specialist at Minuteman National Historical Park, National Park Service

Project Title: Washington Support Office (WASO) – Emerging Mobility Fellow

The National Park Service (NPS) Emerging Mobility fellow will be working directly with the NPS Washington Support Office (WASO) Transportation Branch. In this position, the fellow will assist with automated shuttle pilot projects in Yellowstone National Park and Wright Brothers National Park, as well as, conducting emerging technology planning nationwide.

TRB Poster 2022
Final Webinar 2022 ( PDF , Streaming-YouTube)