The concept of operations will carefully plan and define functions of statewide operations to meet MDT’s needs and its customer’s needs. A statewide Transportation Management Center (TMC) will be considered as a potential option for improving statewide operations. TMC’s can perform a wide variety of functions and activities, all with corresponding benefits, costs, and operations/maintenance issues. Thus, the emphasis will be placed on planning and defining the functions of the TMC to cost effectively meet MDT’s needs. Note that during the study process, there may be alternatives developed that do not require a TMC, but include other options for enhancing statewide operations. Therefore, while the study will look at a TMC as one of the alternatives, it is not a forgone conclusion that a statewide TMC will be the best alternative.
To prepare a Concept of Operations Report to enhance the statewide operations of the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT).
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