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WV Pathways – Program Support with Evaluation Services

Project #: 4W5922
Start Date: 01/01/2016
End Date: 09/30/2016
Status: Completed

The Center for Health and Safety Culture is partnering with Community Access, Inc. in their efforts to implement the Pathways to the Future Program in West Virginia, as guided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Specifically, the Center will provide evaluation services to support the implementation of efforts led by Community Access.  The Center will provide evaluation services to support the four main goals of the project:

  • to assist school districts in setting up community-based Work Exploration programs
  • to develop a statewide parent training network utilizing the Parent Community Resource Centers
  • to develop a network of transition specialists to work with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services staff, Workforce West Virginia staff, and WV Department of Education school districts
  • to develop a statewide cross-sector outreach program with a strong emphasis on traditionally under-served populations.

The evaluation services will include formative evaluation to help inform various efforts, process evaluation to monitor ongoing efforts, and outcome evaluation.


The purpose of this project is to provide evaluation services to Community Access, Inc. in their efforts to implement the Pathways to the Future Program in West Virginia.


  • Jay Otto
    Jay Otto