Community Service for Parking Fines Project Design

• Honors 494: Design Thinking for the Community
• City of Bozeman Parking Program

The City Parking Program would like to prototype a fine reduction for community service program in the parking district nearest to the MSU campus. Such a program has the potential to positively impact the members of the community for whom payment of parking fines is a heavy financial burden.  A second goal for the project is to improve the relationship between residents of the neighborhood and commuters.  Students engaged stakeholders and collected data to propose various implementation designs for a community service for parking fines program. (*Note:  due to COVID-19 restrictions put in place during Spring semester 2020, students were not able to implement and evaluate a pilot project; instead they provided the City with an overview of their initial design process and findings to guide future efforts.)

Academic Year/Semester: Spring 2020

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