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Montana State University highlights WTI research.

Montana State University is highlighting WTI research on its website this week.  MSU News posted a feature article about Natalie Villwock-Witte’s research on the transportation preferences of rural Millennials, and the publicity it has received by national publications including Wired Magazine. If you missed it, you can read the article here.

MDT Highlights WTI Research Projects

The Montana Department of Transportation selected multiple MDT/WTI collaborative research projects to highlight in its Winter 2017 Research Newsletter.  Eli Cuelho’s project to develop a standard specification for a new gravel base course design was featured on the front page (“Development of a ¾-inch Minus Base Course Type A Specification for Montana”).  The newsletter also provides an update […]

Natalie Villwock-Witte’s Millennial research featured in WIRED magazine

Last week, WIRED magazine published a feature article on its website about one of WTI’s projects documenting Millennial transportation trends. “Rural Millennials Still Dig Driving. They Have No Choice” highlighted the findings of WTI’s survey of Millennials in four states (Minnesota, Montana, Washington, and Wisconsin) to determine whether there are differences in transportation preferences between […]

Stateline Highlights Unpaved Roads Research

Stateline, a national website covering trends in state policy, published a feature story on a recent WTI project on the pros, cons, and costs of converting low-volume paved roads to unpaved roads. In “Dirt Roads Help Some Cities, Counties Drive Down Costs,” Stateline interviewed Principal Investigator Laura Fay about her research for the National Cooperative […]

WTI releases mobile version of Weathershare real-time traffic tool.

Just in time for wintry holiday road trips over the river and through the woods, WTI has released a mobile version of the award-winning One-Stop Shop online traffic tool for travelers looking for up-to-the-minute information on weather and road conditions. Montana State University News Service released an extensive feature article on the project, which was […]

Tony Clevenger’s Wolverine Research Featured in Canadian Geographic Magazine

Sneak Peak! Wolverine Research featured in Canadian Geographic Magazine. In November, Newswire shared a link to an online article about Tony Clevenger’s wolverine research in the Canadian Rockies. The magazine is publishing a feature article in its December 2016 issue, and WTI has received an advanced copy (CanGeo Wolverine_Dec16 – LR).

New Center Attracts Local Media Attention

Small Urban, Rural and Tribal Center on Mobility (SURTCOM), led by WTI was selected by USDOT as Tier 1 University Transportation Center, and will receive approximately $1.5 million a year for up to five years to lead research that improves the mobility of people and goods. Montana State University published a feature article about the […]

Article Published in Journal of Transport Geography

The Journal of Transport Geography has published an atricle by Yiyi Wang and her colleagues: “Does bicycle network level of traffic stress (LTS) explain bicycle traffic behavior?” The article summarizes a case study in Oregon, and draws on census data, mode choice, and regional household travel survey data to investigate the relationship between the varying […]