Rob Ament Invited to Gabon by World Bank to speak on wildlife connectivity.

Road Ecology Program Manager Rob Ament just returned from a week in the West African nation of Gabon. The World Bank Group invited Rob as an expert speaker for a special meeting of its Global Wildlife Program, which provides more than $130 million in grants to reduce human-wildlife conflicts. Representatives from 19 countries in Asia […]

UTC Safety Summit features presentation by WTI Director

Last week, WTI Director Steve Albert traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the third annual Summit of University Transportation Centers for Safety. UTC Directors from across the country met to exchange ideas on how UTCs can better collaborate to address real world transportation problems and emerging safety issues. This year, the panels and group […]

WTI Co-hosts “Dream Big” Film Event in Bozeman

On Saturday, March 4, students and families had the opportunity to experience a free showing of Dream Big: Engineering Our World at the Ellen Theatre in downtown Bozeman as part of the Bozeman Film Society Science on Screen Film Series. The film showcases the creativity, commitment and compassion of four engineers through an exploration of […]

Craig Shankwitz presents at MSU’s first 10×10 Innovation Road Show

WTI’s Craig Shankwitz was part of the 10×10 MSU Innovation Road Show: From Tiny Houses to Honey Bees. Sponsored by the Office of Reasearch and Economic Development, the event provided 10 researchers the opportunitiy to present their expertise on a particular topic in 10 minutes. Shankwitz’s presentation focused on, Driverless Cars: The Evolution of the […]

AV/CV expert Craig Shankwitz to present at research showcase

On Thursday, March 23 at 6 p.m., the MSU Office of Research and Economic Development will be hosting the “10×10 MSU Innovation Road Show” at the Ellen Theatre in downtown Bozeman. The event will feature 10 researchers from across the MSU campus, who will share their research stories in 10 minute segments. WTI Senior Research Engineer Craig […]

Road Ecology in Latin America

WTI’s Road Ecology program is building a growing presence in Latin America.  Recently, researchers have been invited to present at several high profile conservation conferences and workshops, with more collaborations on the horizon for 2017. In November, Tony Clevenger attended and gave the keynote presentation at the 1st Iberoamerican Congress on Biodiversity Conservation and Transportation at the […]

WTI at TRB 2017

Thanks to the WTI staff members who shared photos from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, held in Washington, D.C. last week. Numerous staff facilitated workshops, presented their research, or submitted posters. Natalie Villwock-Witte presided over a TRB session on “Workforce, Millennials, and the Implications of Baby Boomer Retirement.” Session presenters included (from left […]

Rob Ament’s India Trip focuses on Elephant Conservation

Road Ecology Program Manager Rob Ament recently returned from an international conservation forum in Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India. Rob was invited to participate in a meeting of the IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Asian Elephant Specialist Group, as a support specialist on transportation mitigation and wildlife corridors. This was the first […]

Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board

Hello Friends and Constituents, The Montana Department of Transportation is conducting a corridor study of the Frontage Road between Belgrade and Bozeman. This study will help to develop a comprehensive, long-range plan for managing the corridor and determining what improvements could be made to improve the corridor based on identified needs and financial constraints. Please […]

WTI Researcher Invited to Present on Human-Technology Issues in Operations Research

Last week, Laura Stanley traveled to Nashville, TN to present at the INFORMS Annual Meeting. The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is an international professional society for practitioners in operations research (O.R.), management science, and analytics, and their annual meeting addressed a broad range of topics, from applications in industries such […]