CHSC Trainings from Coast to Coast

The staff of the Center for Health & Safety Culture (CHSC) has been on the road this fall, providing on-site communication and Positive Culture Framework trainings to clients around the country: · Molalla, Oregon. Katie Dively, Research Scientist II and Senior Trainer and Jay Otto, Principal Scientist facilitated a Positive Culture Framework Training with 25 […]

WTI’s Marcel Huijser Speaks at UM’s Wilderness and Civilization Program

WTI Road Ecologist, Marcel Huijser was recently invited to provide a guest lecture for the University of Montana’s Wilderness and Civilization Program. As part of the Davidson Honors College, students are immersed in the study of wildlands and the interactions between people and the land. Wilderness and Civilization combines the strengths of classroom and field […]

WTI hosts Summer Workshop for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) held its annual summer Workshop in Bozeman on August 12. Participants and presenters represented multiple organizations including University of Alaska – Fairbanks, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin – Platteville, University of Texas-San Antonio, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Michigan Tech, KC Harvey Environmental, and […]

Marcel Huijser served as a panelist for the screening of Wildways

Marcel Huijser served as a panelist for the screening of Wildways: Corridors of Life held last week at Heritage Hall at Fort Missoula in Missoula. Wild Ways features the world’s top biologists who are working to save wildlife populations. By identifying and preserving habitat for these umbrella species, conservationists can protect critical ecosystems around the […]

Marcel Huijser Guides Chinese Contingent in Netherlands

WTI’s Marcel Huijser attended a conference in Lyon, France last month where he connected with Chinese Academy of Transportation Sciences (CATS) associates. The group later met up in The Netherlands where Marcel provided them with an excursion to a multifunctional wildlife overpass. Natuurbrug Zanderij Crailoo is almost a half mile long (800 meters)and includes a […]

National Working Summit tackles an “Epidemic on Wheels”

The National Center for Rural Road Safety (Safety Center), led by WTI, hosted the National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America last week, drawing 120 enthusiastic participants from around the country. Participants worked together for three days to identify issues and strategies to reduce injuries and fatalities on rural roads and highways. Held in […]

Welcome to the Unpaved Roads Institute

The Road Dust Institute (RDI) has changed its name to the Unpaved Roads Institute (URi) to better reflect the increased interest general unpaved road management issues. We would like to welcome you to our new website.  First conceptualized in 2008, we are continually evolving with input and support from our founding partners and the Federal Lands Highway of FHWA.  Today, […]

Moving Rural America Summit

The National Center for Rural Road Safety, sponsored by FHWA and headquartered at WTI, is excited to announce a national summit in 2016 on rural transportation. “Moving Rural America: Advancing Safe Transportation Systems to Enhance Economic Development and Quality of Life” will be held September 7-9, 2016 in Denver, Colorado. This summit will be all-inclusive, […]

WTI’s Taylor Lonsdale assists with Road Etiquette and Bike Safety Workshop

Special thanks to Taylor Lonsdale who assisted Case Managers at the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) and the Bike Kitchen with a Road Etiquette and Bike Safety Workshop for youth in Bozeman last week. The workshop sessions included bike safety, bike maintenance and repair, and a trip down the local city trails. Some of the […]

WTI’s Tony Clevenger Invited to Wildlands Network, Mexico

Tony Clevenger was invited by Juan Carlos Bravo of the Wildlands Network Mexico to present on Sustainable Highways at a Road Congress of more than 1,000 transportation engineers in Puerto Vallarta, Mexcio, July 6-8, 2016. The Mexican Minister of Transportation and Environment attended and gave presentations. Tony and Juan Carlos were approached by the head […]