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UTC Safety Summit features presentation by WTI Director

Last week, WTI Director Steve Albert traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the third annual Summit of University Transportation Centers for Safety. UTC Directors from across the country met to exchange ideas on how UTCs can better collaborate to address real world transportation problems and emerging safety issues. This year, the panels and group […]

Craig Shankwitz presents at MSU’s first 10×10 Innovation Road Show

WTI’s Craig Shankwitz was part of the 10×10 MSU Innovation Road Show: From Tiny Houses to Honey Bees. Sponsored by the Office of Reasearch and Economic Development, the event provided 10 researchers the opportunitiy to present their expertise on a particular topic in 10 minutes. Shankwitz’s presentation focused on, Driverless Cars: The Evolution of the […]

Taylor Lonsdale to present in Safe Routes to School Webinar

WTI’s Taylor Lonsdale will be a presenter for the September Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Webinar: Safe Routes to School in Small Rural Communities: Challenges and Strategies to Accessing Funding. Taylor will be highlighting the work on pathways in Highwood, MT which will be included in an upcoming publication from the SRTS National Partnership. Date: […]

Workforce Center Co-sponsors STEM Event

Panel of girls selected to discuss women pursuing a career in STEM

The West Region Transportation Workforce Center, which is housed at WTI, partnered with the Montana Girls STEM Collaborative to co-sponsor and co-organize a Girls STEM Collaboration Forum held at MSU on Thursday, May 19. WTI’s Susan Gallagher presented at the forum, which brought together over 50 formal and informal STEM educators, including representatives from museums, […]

Bozeman Daily Chronicle highlights WTI’s Big Sky Traffic and Safety Study

On Saturday, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle announced the release of WTI’s report on safety issues on the principal roads that travel through and to Big Sky, Montana. Principal Investigator David Kack led the study, sponsored by the Big Sky Chamber of Commerce, which summarizes resident concerns from a series of community meetings, and makes recommendations […]

Center for Health and Safety Culture on the road.

Jay Otto and Annmarie McMahill from the Center for Health and Safety Culture spent two days with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) at their headquarters in Reno, NV.  NCJFCJ assists juvenile and family court judges and system professionals as they seek to address child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, family […]

Rob Ament to Speak in Crucial Habitat Webinar

WTI’s Rob Ament will be a featured speaker and panelist for an upcoming webinar, Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHAT) and Wildlife Data. The program is part of the Eco-Logical Webinar Series presented by the GHWA Office of Project Development and Environmental Review. Tuesday, November 12, 2015 1:00pm MT. To register, please visit

David Kack Presents to Bozeman Transportation Coordination Committee

David Kack made two presentations at a recent City of Bozeman Transportation Coordination Committee meeting, attended by members of MDT, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, engineering firms, and local citizens. Kack first presented on the WTI truck study. The Downtown Bozeman Partnership the study, completed in March 2015, provides information on the number of trucks […]

Colter Roskos presents at National Science Foundation conference

Civil Engineering graduate research assistant Colter Roskos presented a poster at the National Science Foundation’s Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Division Grantees Conference, which was held January 3-7, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia. Colter’s paper on “Building Green: Development and Evaluation of the Design Properties of an Environmentally Friendly Concrete” will also be published in the conference proceedings.

Sommer Roefaro presents at TRB

Sommer Roefaro, WTI Graduate Fellow and Master’s Candidate in Civil Engineering, presented Effectiveness of Signal Control at Channelized Right Turning Lanes: An Empirical Study during a poster session at the Transportation Research Board 2011 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.