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New Report Available on Animal Detection Systems

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) has released “The Reliability and Effectiveness of a Radar-Based Animal Detection System.” This final is based on research by WTI Research Scientist Marcel Huijser and international colleagues at the University of SÃo Paulo, Brazil. The project studied the reliability and effectiveness of an animal detection […]

Wolverine Research Published in Ecology and Evolution

Ecology and Evolution has published an article on threats to wolverine populations, which was co-authored by WTI researcher Tony Clevenger.  “Cumulative effects of climate and landscape change drive spatial distribution of Rocky Mountain wolverine” describes research in the Canadian Rockies that used camera trapping, genetic tagging, and modeling to investigate whether the interaction of climate […]

Road Ecologists Author Book Chapter on Wildlife Crossings

WTI Road Ecology Program Manager Rob Ament and colleagues Renee Callahan and Hannah Jaicks (both of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation) authored a chapter in the recently published book Biological Conservation in the 21st Century: A Conservation Biology of Large Wildlife.  Their chapter is entitled ”Crossroads Conservation: Identifying Solutions to the Cultural Barriers of […]

Corrosion of metals exposed to 25% magnesium chloride solution and tensile stress: Field and laboratory studies.

Researchers from WTI’s Winter Maintenance program have published “Corrosion of metals exposed to 25% magnesium chloride solution and tensile stress: Field and laboratory studies.” This case study investigated the corrosive effects of chemicals used for snow and ice control operations, to better understand the potential impact on transportation infrastructure and motor vehicles. Citation: Shi, X., […]

Native plants for roadside revegetation in Idaho

Road Ecology Program Manager Rob Ament and colleagues in the MSU Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences will have an article published in the Spring 2017 edition of Native Plants Journal. “Native plants for roadside revegetation in Idaho” documents their field study to evaluate the success of sustainable roadside revegetation strategies on 16 sites in Idaho. Citation: Ament, […]

Wool Blankets for Erosion Control: Research Highlighted in International Publication

Environmental Connection, the magazine of the International Erosion Control Association, published a feature article about Rob Ament’s wool research in its July 2017 issue.  “Bullish for Wool: Using Wool in Erosion Control Blankets Shows Promising Results in Montana Study” summarizes the results of a project funded by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the […]

Wool Blankets for Erosion Control: Research Highlighted in International Publication

Environmental Connection, the magazine of the International Erosion Control Association, published a feature article about Rob Ament’s wool research in its July 2017 issue.  “Bullish for Wool: Using Wool in Erosion Control Blankets Shows Promising Results in Montana Study” summarizes the results of  a WTI project funded by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and […]

New Publication: “Effectiveness of Liquid Agricultural By-products and Solid Complex Chlorides for Snow and Ice Control,”

The Journal of Cold Regions Engineering has published “Effectiveness of Liquid Agricultural By-products and Solid Complex Chlorides for Snow and Ice Control,” authored by Anbu Muthumani and Xianming Shi. The article summarizes their work to conduct a laboratory investigation of the thermal properties, ice melting behavior, and corrosivity of agro-based deicers, in order to compare […]

Center for Health and Safety Culture releases report for “An Assessment of Traffic Safety Culture Related to Engagement in Efforts to Improve Traffic Safety.”

Are you a good (traffic safety) citizen? The Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) has released the final report for “An Assessment of Traffic Safety Culture Related to Engagement in Efforts to Improve Traffic Safety.” Conducted in partnership with the Transportation Pooled Fund on Traffic Safety Culture, this research explored the specific aspects of […]

New Publication: A Comparison of the Effects of Continuous versus Discontinuous Movement Patterns on Parkinsonian Rigidity and Reflex Responses to Passive Stretch and Shortening

Anbu Muthumani co-authored an article for the Journal of Nature and Science with colleagues in the MSU Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department. “A Comparison of the Effects of Continuous versus Discontinuous Movement Patterns on Parkinsonian Rigidity and Reflex Responses to Passive Stretch and Shortening” summarizes a project to study the effects of stretching on the […]