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Millennial research continues to draw interest from local media.

Natalie Villwock-Witte’s research on the transportation preferences of Millennials in rural areas continues to draw the interest of regional media outlets. Last week, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle picked up the story, including a feature article in its March 10 edition.

WTI Has Second Highest Research Expenditures on MSU Campus

Montana State University has released its research expenditures for 2016, and WTI had the second highest expenditure level among all academic departments and research units.  WTI’s research expenditures for the year totaled $6.3 million, and we were just edged out of the top spot by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemestry ($6.6 million).  Research expenditures across […]

Montana State University highlights WTI research.

Montana State University is highlighting WTI research on its website this week.  MSU News posted a feature article about Natalie Villwock-Witte’s research on the transportation preferences of rural Millennials, and the publicity it has received by national publications including Wired Magazine. If you missed it, you can read the article here.

MDT Highlights WTI Research Projects

The Montana Department of Transportation selected multiple MDT/WTI collaborative research projects to highlight in its Winter 2017 Research Newsletter.  Eli Cuelho’s project to develop a standard specification for a new gravel base course design was featured on the front page (“Development of a ¾-inch Minus Base Course Type A Specification for Montana”).  The newsletter also provides an update […]

MnDOT to publish WTI research

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has announced the release of the final report for“Mobility Mindset of the Millennial in Small Urban and Rural Areas.” Authored by P.I. Natalie Villwock-Witte and Karalyn Clouser, the report focuses on a survey of residents in four states to understand whether Millennials in small urban and rural communities have the same mobility mindset as […]

Natalie Villwock-Witte’s Millennial research featured in WIRED magazine

Last week, WIRED magazine published a feature article on its website about one of WTI’s projects documenting Millennial transportation trends. “Rural Millennials Still Dig Driving. They Have No Choice” highlighted the findings of WTI’s survey of Millennials in four states (Minnesota, Montana, Washington, and Wisconsin) to determine whether there are differences in transportation preferences between […]

New Publication: Understanding the Cultural Influences related to Driving After Cannabis

Understanding the Cultural Influences related to Driving After Cannabis: The Center for Health and Safety Culture completed a research project with the Transportation Pooled Fund on Traffic Safety Culture. The purpose of this research project was to understand which specific aspects of traffic safety culture predict the decision to drive under the influence of cannabis […]

Final Report: US 93 North Post-Construction Wildlife Vehicle Collision and Wildlife Crossing Montioring on the Flathead Indian Reservation Between Evaro and Polson, Montana.

The Montana Department of Transportation has released the final report for “US 93 North Post-Construction Wildlife Vehicle Collision and Wildlife Crossing Montioring on the Flathead Indian Reservation Between Evaro and Polson, Montana.” This report summarizes 14 years of research conducted between 2002 and 2015. The research focused on the effectiveness of the wildlife crossing structures installed along 56 […]

WTI releases mobile version of Weathershare real-time traffic tool.

Just in time for wintry holiday road trips over the river and through the woods, WTI has released a mobile version of the award-winning One-Stop Shop online traffic tool for travelers looking for up-to-the-minute information on weather and road conditions. Montana State University News Service released an extensive feature article on the project, which was […]