National Working Summit tackles an “Epidemic on Wheels”

The National Center for Rural Road Safety (Safety Center), led by WTI, hosted the National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America last week, drawing 120 enthusiastic participants from around the country. Participants worked together for three days to identify issues and strategies to reduce injuries and fatalities on rural roads and highways.

Group photo of participants at the National Working Summit on Tranpsortation in Rural AmericaHeld in Denver, Colorado from September 7 – 9, the Summit encouraged collaboration among a broad range of agencies with an interest in enhancing safety on rural roads: departments of transportation, first responders, law enforcement, commerce/freight organizations, economic development/tourism agencies, public health agencies, local/county governments, and tribal agencies. The Summit was a huge success – participants appreciated the problem solving format and the effectiveness of the breakout sessions.

The complete findings and recommendations from the summit will be compiled into a white paper later this fall, which will guide future action. The Safety Center’s November 2016 webinar will recap the summit and highlight the outcomes of the white paper. To register for the webinar visit .

For more information on the Summit and specific presentations, please visit: