Where in the World is WTI? Malaysia Hosts Road Ecology Workshop Co-sponsored by WTI

graphic of a hat and magnifying glass over an image of the globe with the text "where in the world is WTI?"WTI Road Ecologists Rob Ament and Tony Clevenger traveled to Kuala Lumper, Malaysia in April to present at the Road Ecology – Transportation Infrastructure and Wildlife Conservation Workshop.  Co-sponsored by WTI, Association of Consulting Engineers – Malaysia (ACEM), ERE Consulting, the Management and Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME), and the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, the main goal of the workshop was to encourage discussions between wildlife practitioners and engineers that will lead to innovative solutions that enhance both transportation networks and wildlife conservation efforts. Rob and Tony spoke on effective wildlife mitigation measures in North America, such as wildlife crossings, and how they may be applicable to large species in Malaysia, which include both elephants and tigers.  One of the highlights of was a field trip to Royal Belum State Park, via houseboat!

Elephant crossing sign next to highway in MalaysiaThe workshop also provided an opportunity to hold the kick-off meeting for the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN’s) Asian Elephant Transport Working Group, under the auspices of its Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group. “It was our first face-to-face meeting and the 10 members put together a work plan for the next year,” said Rob, who serves on the working group.


Group photo of attendees at Road Ecology workshop in Malaysia

Boat with passengers travels through lake in Royal Belum State Park, Malaysia