WTI is excited to announce two upcoming sessions of the Summer Transportation Camp at Montana State University – free weeklong camps for middle school students.
For: Middle School students (entering grades 6-9 in Fall 2021)
What: Two weeklong camps at the MSU Western Transportation Institute (9am – 3pm) to get everyone moving. Each day camp participants will explore a variety of science, engineering, and design topics related to promoting active, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.

Activities will include:
– hands-on design challenges
– local trail explorations by bike
– field trips of discovery
When: June 21-25 and July 12-16, 2021
Cost: Free! There is no cost to camp participants thanks to a generous grant from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
For more information and to register: http://wrtwc.org/center-initiatives/middle-school-summer-camp/