CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum

The Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum is now seeking abstracts for the 19th Annual Forum, which will be held on June 18-20, 2024, in Yreka, California. If you are involved with a project you feel would be of interest to other technology practitioners, and would like give a presentation or demonstration, check out the Call For Abstracts page. Speakers must present on actual projects and applications (not research or proposed projects), with a highly technical level of content and transparency regarding what does and does not work.

The Western States Forum welcomes presentations or demonstrations on a variety of topic areas related to ITS design and engineering in rural areas, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Design, engineering and installation of rural ITS field applications, such as warning and safety systems
  • Design, installation, calibration and evaluation of roadside traffic detection equipment (loop or non-intrusive)
  • Applications of microwave, radio, cellular, and/or 802.11 WiFi communications
  • Custom ITS application development
  • Innovative applications of commercial ITS applications
  • Lessons learned with application and development of standards and specifications (e.g., NTCIP, DOT specifications)

The deadline to submit an abstract is Friday, January 19, 2024.