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WTI hosts Summer Workshop for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) held its annual summer Workshop in Bozeman on August 12. Participants and presenters represented multiple organizations including University of Alaska – Fairbanks, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin – Platteville, University of Texas-San Antonio, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Michigan Tech, KC Harvey Environmental, and […]

Winter Maintenance Work featured on Roads and Bridges Website

The August 29 issue of Roads and Bridges included an article written by WTI’s Anburaj Muthumani and Laura Fay on assessing the use of snowplow lighting for optimal safety. “Can you see me now?” highlights the work done by the research team for the Clear Roads Best Practices Guide for snowplow lighting. Led by WTI, […]

WTI’s Laura Fay Quoted in Wired on-line article about Un-Paving Roads

A recently published WIRED on-line article, “Cash-Strapped Towns are Un-Paving Roads they Can’t afford to Fix,” includes a quote from WTI’s Laura Fay. It also references an NCHRP report Fay contributed to, which highlights the growing trend of unpaving roads due to lack of infrastructure maintenance funds. Visit Wired for the full article.

Utah DOT Research Newsletter highlights WTI work

The Summer 2015 issue of the Utah DOT Research Newsletter highlights the valuable research made possible by Clear Roads, the Pooled Fund Project led by the Minnesota DOT. Several important and practical Clear Roads research projects are featured, including WTI’s Corrosion Manual and the Environmental Best Practices Manual.

Invited to Alaska for the International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation

WTI was well represented at the International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation last week, which was held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The symposium showcased recent development, practices, and advances to maximize environmental sustainability, and also provided a forum for professionals to discuss environmental challenges associated with design, construction, and […]

Clear Roads Pooled Fund publishes Best Practices Manual

The Clear Roads Pooled Fund has published a best practices manual for winter maintenance agencies to help them prevent corrosion in their vehicles and equipment.  The manual is the final deliverable for the project “Best Practices for the Prevention of Corrosion to DOT Equipment: A User’s Manual,” which was led by WTI, with the guide […]