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Tony Clevenger’s Wolverine Research Featured in Canadian Geographic Magazine

Sneak Peak! Wolverine Research featured in Canadian Geographic Magazine. In November, Newswire shared a link to an online article about Tony Clevenger’s wolverine research in the Canadian Rockies. The magazine is publishing a feature article in its December 2016 issue, and WTI has received an advanced copy (CanGeo Wolverine_Dec16 – LR).

Road Ecology Research Praised in the Missoulian

WTI’s work with implementing wildlife crossing structures on U.S. 93 in Montana was highlighted in a feature article in The Missoulian. In “Montana Teaches the World How to Get Critters Across the Road,” Pat McGowen discusses WTI’s long history of work in Montana in partnership with other agencies to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. Read the whole […]

Tony Clevenger’s Wolverine Research Highlighted in Canadian Geographic

A reporter for Canadian Geographic spent the day with Road Ecology researcher Tony Clevenger, to learn more about his research on wolverine populations in the Canadian Rockies. In “How Highways are Hurting the Wolverine’s Genetic Diversity,” journalist Fraser Los describes how Tony collects and studies hair samples left behind by wolverines, to better understand where […]

Rob Ament’s India Trip focuses on Elephant Conservation

Road Ecology Program Manager Rob Ament recently returned from an international conservation forum in Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India. Rob was invited to participate in a meeting of the IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Asian Elephant Specialist Group, as a support specialist on transportation mitigation and wildlife corridors. This was the first […]

Fish Passage Research Published in International Journal

The Journal of Fish Biology has published a study by WTI Road Ecology researcher Matt Blank and his colleagues in the MSU Ecology Department and at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Evaulation of Swimming Performance for Fish Passage of Longnose Dace Rhinichthys Cataractae Using an Experimental Flume” highlights research conducted in a custom research […]

WTI Researchers quoted in Mountain Town News

Mountain Town News reported on the Interstate 90 Snoqualmie Pass project, which will ultimately provide wildlife with 27 places to cross along a 15 mile stretch of the interstate. Both Rob Ament and Tony Clevenger are quoted in the article, with Tony calling the project “by far the most ecologically comprehensive mitigation project I’m aware […]

WTI Work Posted on Planet Jackson Hole

Planet Jackson Hole ( has posted a feature article about the wildlife crossing plan that WTI will develop for Teton County, Wyoming. In the article, Jon Mobeck, executive director of the Wildlife Foundation, highlights WTI’s previous work in the area and states that “WTI offers the perfect partnership for Jackson Hole.” The full article is […]