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WTI publishes “Wildlife Mitigation Opportunities along U.S. Hwy 2, Northwestern Montana.”

WTI has completed the final report for “Wildlife Mitigation Opportunities along U.S. Hwy 2, Northwestern Montana,” a project sponsored by the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative.  Authored by Marcel Huijser and James Begley, this report explores wildlife issues along U.S. Highway 2 between the Idaho/Montana border and Kalispell. It details the identification and prioritization process […]

U.S. 93 Project Highlighted by Pulitzer Center

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting included a feature article on the effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures or “animal bridges” for reducing the number of collisions between vehicles and large animals.  The article highlights WTI’s current project on U.S. 93 in Montana to install 41 crossing structures along 56 miles of highway.  WTI researcher Pat […]

WTI evaluates wildlife detection system in Idaho

The Idaho Transportation Department announced that it has started a project in partnership with WTI to test a wildlife detection system on U.S. 95 in northern Idaho.  The system uses a Doppler radar sensor to detect large animals on both sides of the road.  It activates flashing warning beacons to alert drivers if animals are […]

Rob Ament Co-authors Article in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, the journal of the Ecological Society of America, published an article on wildlife crossings co-authored by Rob Ament. “Integrated adaptive designs for wildlife movement under climate change” highlights some of the innovative crossing designs developed by the ARC (Animal Road Crossings) International Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Design Competition, for which […]

Using Wool to Control Roadside Erosion

20 Things You Didn’t Know About……Wool. It hates liquid, loves vapor, and is fire –resistant. And, according to number 12, Montanans use it on the roadside for erosion control! See Rob Ament’s fun shout out in the October 1 issue of Discover Magazine.

Marcel Huijser continues his road ecology outreach activities in Brazil.

Marcel recently gave a seminar at DERSA (Sao Paulo state road administration agency). The seminar was reported on in the September 2014 issue of O EMPREITEIRO, a widely circulated Brazilian engineering magazine. If you are feeling confident in your Portuguese, see the full article at: Prefer to read in English? Check out Marcel’s latest […]

Rob Ament to Speak in Crucial Habitat Webinar

WTI’s Rob Ament will be a featured speaker and panelist for an upcoming webinar, Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHAT) and Wildlife Data. The program is part of the Eco-Logical Webinar Series presented by the GHWA Office of Project Development and Environmental Review. Tuesday, November 12, 2015 1:00pm MT. To register, please visit