Marcel Huijser continues his road ecology outreach activities in Brazil.
Marcel recently gave a seminar at DERSA (Sao Paulo state road administration agency). The seminar was reported on in the September 2014 issue of O EMPREITEIRO, a widely circulated Brazilian engineering magazine. If you are feeling confident in your Portuguese, see the full article at: Prefer to read in English? Check out Marcel’s latest […]
Rob Ament to Speak in Crucial Habitat Webinar
WTI’s Rob Ament will be a featured speaker and panelist for an upcoming webinar, Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHAT) and Wildlife Data. The program is part of the Eco-Logical Webinar Series presented by the GHWA Office of Project Development and Environmental Review. Tuesday, November 12, 2015 1:00pm MT. To register, please visit
Reliability and Meta-Analyses of the Effectiveness of Animal Detection Systems in Reducing Vehicle Speed and Collisions with Large Mammals
Evaluating Management Options to Increase Roadside Carbon Sequestration
Sizing Hydraulic Structures in Cold Regions to Balance Fish Passage, Stream Function and Operation and Maintenance Cost
Invited to Alaska for the International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation
WTI was well represented at the International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation last week, which was held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The symposium showcased recent development, practices, and advances to maximize environmental sustainability, and also provided a forum for professionals to discuss environmental challenges associated with design, construction, and […]