Local News covers WTI and City of Bozeman Traffic Project

Last week, MSU, WTI and the City of Bozeman announced that they will team up to address local traffic growth. WTI will implement a transportation demand management initiative to address Bozeman’s significant growth in population and subsequent increase in the number of vehicles on the road and resulting traffic. Transportation demand management programs focus on changing or reducing travel demand, particularly at peak commute hours, instead of increasing roadway supply, making more efficient use of the current roadway system. The City of Bozeman, MSU and WTI’s Small Urban and Rural Livability Center, or SURLC, will fund the initiative.

After MSU posted the story on its website, it was picked up by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and local TV. P.I. David Kack was interviewed on KTVM (NBC Montana) news. You can watch his interview here.