“Pop-up” Street Project Gains Local Attention

In Bozeman, Montana, local media outlets are helping to bring attention to a temporary traffic calming project led by WTI’s Dani Hess and the City of Bozeman. At the corner of Tracy Avenue and Tamarack Street, volunteers from the neighborhood, and from Big Brothers Big Sisters, along with the City Streets Department helped paint colorful crosswalks and installed pedestrian medians made with plants and straw wattles.  The goal is to slow traffic and call more attention to cyclists and pedestrians who share or cross the road, in an area that includes both the Fairgrounds and the local Senior Center.

The installation, which will be in place for one-week, is one component of the Transportation Demand Management partnership between WTI, the City of Bozeman, and Montana State University. This project was also made possible by a mobile Pop-up Project Trailer funded by a grant from the AARP Livable Communities initiative awarded to WTI and the City of Bozeman. Going forward, the trailer will be available for use by other neighborhoods and local groups who want to take the first step in working towards safer multimodal streets in Bozeman.

For more photos and video, check out the feature article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, or Dani’s interview on NBC Montana.

Temporary traffic calming installation, pedestrian crossing in Bozeman, Montana
Temporary traffic calming installation in Bozeman, Montana