Postcards from the field: Brazilian adventures

Mained Wolf, from remote research camera.
Mained Wolf image from remote camera, Courtesy Marcel Huijser
Group of students during field trip to Brazilian Savannah
Group of students during field trip to Brazilian Savannah, courtesy Marcel Huijser

A few weeks ago, we reported that WTI Research Ecologist Marcel Huijser had departed for Brazil to serve as a guest professor and researcher at the University of São Paulo for the summer.  In his first update, he sent photos from a field trip with his Road Ecology students to the Cerrado ecosystem on the Brazilian savannah.  Looking for wildlife in some locations required special precautions – all members of the group wore snake bite leggings, and they were accompanied by police officers because of the possibility of encountering poachers.  However, their research cameras are already capturing amazing photos, like the one below of a maned wolf.