David Kack Presents to Bozeman Transportation Coordination Committee

David Kack made two presentations at a recent City of Bozeman Transportation Coordination Committee meeting, attended by members of MDT, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, engineering firms, and local citizens. Kack first presented on the WTI truck study. The Downtown Bozeman Partnership the study, completed in March 2015, provides information on the number of trucks traveling through Downtown, and discusses their impacts, including the increased level of noise due to truck traffic. The study provided information on three potential alternative routes, which can be incorporated into the current Bozeman Area Transportation Management Plan.

The second presentation focused on creating a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Coordinator position. Leveraging money from the UTC Grant, the Small Urban and Rural Livability Center hopes to partner with Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, and MSU to create a TDM Coordinator position that would focus on strategies to reduce the amount of traffic in the greater Bozeman area. This position would investigate policies and complementary modes such as biking, carpooling, van pooling and transit that could get people out of their single occupancy vehicles.