New Publication: A Comparison of the Effects of Continuous versus Discontinuous Movement Patterns on Parkinsonian Rigidity and Reflex Responses to Passive Stretch and Shortening

Anbu Muthumani co-authored an article for the Journal of Nature and Science with colleagues in the MSU Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department. “A Comparison of the Effects of Continuous versus Discontinuous Movement Patterns on Parkinsonian Rigidity and Reflex Responses to Passive Stretch and Shortening” summarizes a project to study the effects of stretching on the movement of patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Citation: Powell D, Muthumani A, Xia R. A Comparison of the Effects of Continuous versus Discontinuous Movement Patterns on Parkinsonian Rigidity and Reflex Responses to Passive Stretch and Shortening. Journal of Nature and Science (JNSCI), 2(8):e201, 2016.

Researchers from WTI’s Winter Maintenance program collaborated on “Accelerated Laboratory Test Suggests the Importance of Film Integrity of Sealers on the Protection of Concrete from Deicer Scaling” for the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. The project compared the performance of five different sealers that protect concrete.
Citation: Dang, Y., Shi, X., Xie, N., McVey, E., and Kessel, A. (2016). “Accelerated Laboratory Test Suggests the Importance of Film Integrity of Sealers on the Protection of Concrete from Deicer Scaling.” J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001579, 04016065.