WTI to work with City of Bozeman

WTI will be working with the City of Bozeman on the development of a Travel Demand Forecast Model (TDM) as the City has just begun working on an update to their Transportation Master Plan (TMP). WTI will develop a TDM that the City of Bozeman can utilize to more frequently evaluate transportation investments and will parallel the work being done for the City by Robert Peccia and Associates and MDT. The goal is to develop a model and methodology that will enable the city to incorporate the use of a TDM into development review, as well as annual capital planning for transportation. This project with the City of Bozeman complements other work that Pat McGowen and Kerry Pederson (undergraduate researcher working on livability metrics in TDM) are conducting.

The City of Bozeman is looking for input on the Transportation Plan and has an interactive map that allows the public to identify locations, corridors, or connections of importance to them for consideration in planning the transportation system in Bozeman. Visit www.bozemantmp.com and click on the Public Engagement button to provide your input.