511 in YNP

Project #: 4W0173
Start Date: 10/01/2004
End Date: 12/12/2010
Status: Completed

In July 2000, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated 511 as a national number for traveler information. Montana’s system was deployed in January 2003 to provide travelers with updates on road conditions, weather forecasts, emergency travel restrictions and construction. System enhancements currently under way will include alert systems for fires, Amber alerts, homeland security information and tourism information. Although the most important goal of the 511 system is to provide accurate, real-time information, Yellowstone National Park does not have an automated data warehouse to store updated travel information that can be automatically accessed by the 511 system. This project will seek to identify and create this type of data warehouse and incorporate this information into Montana’s 511 system. The information in the data warehouse could also be used by Idaho and Wyoming in their traveler information phone systems (not yet 511).


To automate the data collection of traveler information for Yellowstone National Park (YNP) and to make this information available to visitors via the Montana 511 system so that they can access up-to-date travel information.


  • David Veneziano
    David Veneziano
  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus