American Wildlands Road Watch

Project #: 4W1866
Start Date: 09/10/2007
End Date: 11/10/2007
Status: Completed

The Western Transportation Institute has developed a web-based reporting system for wildlife sightings along State Highway 75 in Blaine County, Idaho, intended to record sightings of wildlife (dead or alive) by members of the public. The conservation organization American Wildlands, based in Bozeman, is interested in adapting the application for wildlife using the I-90 corridor between Bozeman and Livingston. WTI will modify the reporting system with references to mileposts, highway intersections and landmarks between mile markers 313 (Bear Canyon exit) and 330 (the westernmost Livingston exit). WTI and Montana State University will own the application, and American Wildlands will license it for use on this project. American Wildands will host the application on its web server and will be responsible for the maintenance of the dataset and application, but will grant WTI unimpeded access to the dataset via the Internet.


Modification of wildlife reporting system for use by American Wildlands on the Bozeman Pass area of U.S. Interstate Highway 90 between Bozeman, Montana, and Livingston, Montana.


  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus