An Inorganic Composite Coating for Pipeline Rehabilitation and Corrosion Protection

Project #: 4W5859
Start Date: 09/30/2015
End Date: 09/29/2017
Status: Completed

Rutgers University is conducting a project to develop an inorganic coating system for corrosion protection and rehabilitation of pipeline.  The coating has ease of handling and faster installation that allow for quick pipeline rehabilitation without shutdown.  The research work employs nanostructured material engineering approach, laboratory testing, and analytical simulations.

As part of this project WTI will assist with laboratory testing tasks.  Specifically, WTI will:

  • work with Rutgers on nano-modification of coating, including identification of nano-material, developing dispersion techniques, and conducting advanced material characterization testing.
  • lead the corrosion testing tasks, including NACE Standard TM016, electrochemical testing, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
  • assist with preparation of final report.

The objective of this project is to provide characterization testing and corrosion testing for a project to develop an inorganic coating system for corrosion protection and rehabilitation of pipeline.


  • Ning Xie
    Ning Xie