Applying Traffic Safety Culture in Minnesota

Project #: 4w6349
Start Date: 09/28/2016
End Date: 12/31/2019
Status: Completed

In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Center for Health and Safety Culture and CHI St. Joseph’s Health are engaged in a project to understand how culture impacts traffic safety behavior in a Park Rapids, Minnesota, and to create common language, common understanding, and a portfolio of strategies to positively impact traffic safety culture.

This multi-year project is divided into three phases:

  1. Establish community partnerships,
  2. Develop traffic safety culture strategies, and
  3. Implement traffic safety strategies.

Throughout this project, the Center will provide training on the Positive Culture Framework, develop and implement surveys to assess values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors regarding prioritized traffic safety issues, develop a toolkit of traffic safety culture strategies, and implement selected strategies across the social ecology including adults, students, workplaces, and law enforcement in Park Rapids, Minnesota.


The objective of this project is to understand how culture impacts traffic safety behavior in Minnesota.


  • Nic Ward
    Nic Ward