Aquatic and Wildlife Connectivity Forums

Project #: 4W5828
Start Date: 11/02/2015
End Date: 06/30/2016
Status: Completed

Transportation projects are being built with little to no consideration of aquatic and wildlife movement during early planning and project development phases. This is leading to missed opportunities to reduce the incidence of wildlife-vehicle collisions and disruption of wildlife’s natural movement patterns, which can isolate species, thus leading to a greater possibility of extirpation or even extinction. WTI will design and facilitate two forums (Northern/Southern California) to address potential improvements to Caltrans’ approach to aquatic and wildlife connectivity.  The forums will examine the above mentioned issues with the goal of increasing understanding of transportation planning, environmental review, design needs, and requirements that will lead to transportation projects providing fish and wildlife greater ability to move in their natural pattern.

 In addition, the forums will help in the development of Planning Environmental Linkages (PEL), a joint Caltrans and FHWA effort to examine potential environmental issues during the planning stage in order to lead to more effective mitigation of environmental issues and streamlined project delivery. The forums will target methods to improve the way that Caltrans is integrating wildlife data and connectivity issues into early project scoping and long-range transportation plan development in accordance with FHWA’s Eco-Logical Framework and MAP-21. This work also supports Caltrans’ effort to create a modernized and sustainable transportation system in accordance with its new Strategic Management Plan.


The purpose of this project is to design and facilitate two forums (Northern/Southern California) to address potential improvements to Caltrans’ approach to aquatic and wildlife connectivity.


  • Rob Ament
    Rob Ament