Best Management Practices for Liquid Chloride Storage and Pumping Systems

Project #: 4WA401
Start Date: 06/30/2023
End Date: 12/31/2024
Status: Current

Deicer liquids are generally stored in an above ground storage tanks with a pump used for chemical circulation and loading of material onto a truck. Several state agencies including Michigan, Minnesota, and New Hampshire have published guidelines for deicer production and management which include some guidance on deicing liquid storage, however these guidelines do not go into the specific storage equipment configurations, components, costs, and other considerations which a transportation agency may want to review prior to purchasing or replacing these systems.

The goal of this project is to examine and document liquid deicer storage and pump systems currently being used by departments of transportation (DOTs) and public works agencies across the country and best practices for managing and maintaining these systems.The end goal is to create a concise, user-friendly manual which will present a range of liquid deicer storage and pump systems ranging from “starting simple” to “more advanced.”

Benefits: This project will result in a concise, user-friendly manual which will present a range of liquid deicer storage and pump systems. This manual will serve as a guide for agencies to use when considering purchasing or replacement of these systems. An additional benefit of this research is that it will fill a knowledge gap which was found in a preliminary literature research which was conducted for this research effort.


  • Karalyn Clouser
    Karalyn Clouser