California and Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems (COATS) Showcase

Project #: 426454
Start Date: 07/01/2001
End Date: 03/30/2007
Status: Completed

Since 1998, the Western Transportation Institute has been working with the California and Oregon Departments of Transportation on the California/Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems (COATS) project. The intended outcome of COATS was to facilitate the deployment and use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to enhance safety, improve the movement of people, goods and services, and subsequently promote the economic development of the region. The project was concluded in June 2001, but by then an ITS Strategic Deployment Plan for the COATS region had been developed.At the conclusion of the COATS project, the California and Oregon Departments of Transportation decided to continue their partnership and their intent to utilize ITS in the region. This led to phase 2 or COATS Showcase, a $2.5 million project with the purpose of providing a significant demonstration and evaluation of rural ITS projects that exist to support the goals, objectives and benefits of the COATS project as stated in the ITS Strategic Deployment Plan. The demonstrations and evaluations are intended to highlight the success stories of ITS in rural areas, but also to identify where problems and deficiencies may be corrected in future deployments. Showcase consists of 11 active evaluations and 4 inactive evaluations. These projects and their respective principal investigators (PI) are listed below. For more detailed information on a specific project please see its project description page.Active Evaluations• Siskiyou Pass Early Winner (#1) o Eli Cuehlo• Operational Impacts of Weather and Lane Closures on Rural Highways (#2)o Jaime Helmutho Chris Strong• ITS Maintenance Evaluation (#3)o Manju Kumaro Chris Strong• Evaluation of Detection Technologies in Rural Areas (#4)o Ali Kamyab• Public Safety and Communications (#7)o Greg Cross• Communications Improvements for Rural Field Devices (#10)o Ali Kamyab• Narrows Oversize Vehicle Identification System (#13)o Jaime Helmutho Chris Strong• Evaluation of the Fredonyer Summit Icy Curve Warning System (#14)o Chris Strong• Comparative Evaluation of Wind Warning Systems (#15)o Manju Kumaro Chris Strong• Development of a Roadway Weather Severity Index (#16)o Chris Strong• Video Surveillance Trailer Equipment (#17)o Chris StrongInactive Evaluations• Agency Surveys (#5)• Mountain Pass Evaluation (#11)• Small Urban ITS Evaluation (#12)• Oregon ITS Benefits and Performance Plan (#21)


A bi-state partnership to improve rural transportation through the demonstration and evaluation of advanced technologies.


  • Chris Strong
    Chris Strong