City of Bozeman Main Street Commercial Truck Route Study

Project #: 4W8292
Start Date: 01/15/2020
End Date: 04/30/2020
Status: Completed

In 2015  an analysis, motivated by safety, noise, exhaust, and other quality of life concerns among City of Bozeman officials and downtown businesses about heavy commercial truck use in the downtown core along Main Street, was conducted in downtown Bozeman, Montana.  That study estimated that approximately 29% of commercial trucks (an average of 34 westbound trucks per day) pass through Main Street on the trip between I-90 and Four Corners, and that large trucks increase Main Street noise levels 7-16 decibels (representing a 9.3%-23.2% increase above background levels). The study concluded by recommending further consideration of a through-truck route to shift commercial trucks from using I-90 Exit 309 (Main Street) to either I-90 Exit 305 (North 19th Avenue/Springhill Road) or Exit 298 (SR 85/Jackrabbit Lane), as well as attention in the community’s subsequent transportation planning efforts. While Article 9 (Truck Traffic) of Chapter 36 (Traffic and Vehicles) of the Bozeman Municipal Code allows for designation of truck routes and alternate truck routes (Sec. 36.09.050) and prohibits through truck traffic outside designated truck routes (except for accessing an established truck route or destination) (Sec. 36.09.030), to date no such routes have been established.



The primary objective of this study was to provide renewed attention to the impact of commercial truck use through downtown Bozeman, Montana along Main Street.


  • Andrea Hamre
    Andrea Hamre
  • Chris Naumann
    (Main External Contact)
    Chris Naumann
    (Main External Contact)