Clackamas County Transportation Safety Culture Project in Molalla, Or

Project #: 4W6078
Start Date: 05/12/2016
End Date: 06/30/2017
Status: Completed

The Center for Health and Safety Culture within the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University is partnering with Clackamas County in their efforts to cultivate a positive transportation safety culture to reduce fatalities and serious injuries among those in the Molalla, OR region. Specifically, this project is aimed at partnering with and increasing the capacity of traffic safety professionals, prevention leaders and residents working to improve health and safety utilizing the Positive Culture Framework.

This project proposes to work with the Clackamas County Safe Communities Program (CCSCP) to engage existing stakeholders and recruit partners in a community-wide process focusing on the community of Molalla. The project seeks to apply the Positive Culture Framework in partnership with the Molalla Communities that Care organization to improve traffic safety. The initial steps include: building local capacity in the Positive Culture Framework; reviewing and prioritizing local traffic safety data; mapping existing relevant strategies within Molalla; collecting additional data to better understand the local culture relating to the prioritized traffic safety issue; and identifying and planning potential strategies based on the comprehensive assessment.


This project is aimed at increasing the capacity of traffic safety professionals, prevention leaders and residents in Clackamas County, Oregon to cultivate a positive transportation safety culture to reduce fatalities and serious injuries among those in the Molalla, Oregon region.


  • Jay Otto
    Jay Otto
  • Annmarie McMahill
    Annmarie McMahill