Collaborative Research: Enabling Best Practices in Winter Roadway Snow and Ice Control Operations

Project #: 4W5195
Start Date: 09/01/2014
End Date: 12/31/2017
Status: Completed

This project will facilitate collaborative research in sustainable winter road operations between Montana State University and Washington State University (WSU) for three projects, which are conducted through the research programs of the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (University Transportation Center). Specifically, the 1st WSU project aims to develop a book to summarize the recent advances in sustainable winter road operations and the WTI team will provide editorial support and contribution to a book chapter. The 2nd WSU project aims to develop innovative anti-icing formulations for snow and ice control on highways, using beet sugar refining by-products, glycerol, and other bio-based additives for freezing-point suppression, performance enhancement, and corrosion inhibition. The 3rd WSU project aims to advance scientific knowledge in the utilization of nanotechnology to expand the use of industrial waste and recycled materials in pervious concrete and in the potential of such “greener” pervious concrete for the treatment of deicer-laden stormwater under a variety of contaminant loading scenarios. The WTI team will provide testing support for the 2nd and 3rd WSU projects, leveraging its existing domain knowledge and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities.


The objective of this project is to provide technical support for the three research projects that enable best practices in winter roadway snow and ice control operations.


  • Laura Fay
    Laura Fay