Development of a Primer of Aviation

Project #: 428373
Start Date: 03/11/2000
End Date: 02/28/2002
Status: Completed

This project covers the development of a “Primer of Aviation.” The “Primer” includes an overview of the terminology, concepts and administrative structure of aviation, and serves as an introduction for a course on aviation infrastructure management. The Primer on Aviation is the first part of a two-part course of study for people entering the aviation field or whose job involves managing aviation infrastructure. An advisory committee, made up of aviation and education professionals guides the development of the “Primer”. The “Primer of Aviation” was given as a short course, in Corvallis, Oregon before the Conference on the “Revolution in Aviation” on June 14, 2000. The workshop had over 35 participants and received excellent evaluations and constructive suggestions for modifications for the web based course. The “Primer” introduced non-aviation conference participants to the basic terminology and common concepts associated with aviation before the conference. In addition, several experienced aviation professionals attended the course and provided thoughtful suggestions for enhancements to the course materials.


The main goal of this project is to increase the understanding of Montana’s aviation infrastructure, management and preservation, by a spatially diverse workforce in rural and remote areas of the state. The course uses distance education technology to deliver the course and will develop a methodology for providing continuing education units or professional development hours.


  • Steve Albert
    Steve Albert