Development of a Prototype Integrated PDA/GPS System to Collect Roadkill Data – UTC

Project #: 425536
Start Date: 02/01/2004
End Date: 06/30/2005
Status: Completed

Animal-vehicle collisions have a negative effect on people as well as animals. There are an estimated 725,000-1,500,000 crashes between vehicles and ungulates in the US annually. These collisions are estimated to cause over 200 human fatalities and over one billion dollars in property damage a year. These numbers are likely to have increased even further over the last decade. In most cases the animals die immediately or shortly after being hit by a car. In some cases it is not just the individual animals that suffer. Some species can also be affected on the population level and may even be faced with a serious reduction in population survival probability. In order to avoid or reduce animal-vehicle collisions basic data need to be recorded and analyzed. These data can illustrate the magnitude of the problem and potential changes overtime. More importantly, they allow us to prioritize and focus our efforts to avoid or reduce collisions. However, not all DOT’s or DOT districts record animal-vehicle collision data. Furthermore, the DOT’s that do record such data often use different methods. A national standard for the recording of animal-vehicle collisions would not only stimulate DOT’s and other organizations to collect these data, but they would also allow for a better integration and analyses of the data. The main purpose of this project is to develop a standard for the collection of animal-vehicle collision data and to show how Personal Data Assistants (PDA’s) in combination with a Global Positioning System (GPS) can help us to collect better and standardized data. If successful the project can proceed vertically as well as horizontally. A vertical expansion could involve the development of standardized analyses of animal-vehicle collision data and examples of applications of those data at the sites of interests. A horizontal expansion could involve the development of a standard to collect other road- or traffic related data that also have a spatial component. The ultimate purpose is to provide both management and maintenance personnel with a toolkit that allows them to prioritize efforts and that helps them to fulfill certain tasks at the sites of interest.


To develop a tool that enables employees from transportation agencies, natural resource management agencies and other interested parties to collect standardized animal road kill data with a system that is spatially accurate, easy to use, and that has a data format that is easy to integrate and analyze.


  • Marcel Huijser
    Marcel Huijser
  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus