Downtown Bozeman Parking Inventory and Occupancy Study

Project #: 4w6562
Start Date: 01/31/2017
End Date: 06/30/2017
Status: Completed

As detailed in the final report, the 2017 provides an update to the previous studies in 2012 and 2014.  The parking inventory conducted in June 2017 found that a total of 5,878 non-residential parking stalls were available in the downtown study area.  When occupancy rates were examined, different usage trends were exhibited depending on specific block locations and the main trip attractions within these blocks. In general, the parking occupancy rates were higher during weekdays compared to weekends both during peak and off-peak seasons, with only one or two exceptions. Occupancy rates at the block level never reached capacity (100 percent) for any of the blocks in the study area even during peak hours.  Dwell time results from the three out of four City-owned parking lots (North Willson Lot was closed during the study) indicated that vehicles remained parked for an average of between 46 minutes and 1 hour 32 minutes. The turnover rate analysis for the City-owned parking lots indicated that the parking lot at Mendenhall and Willson was more heavily utilized compared to the other two parking lots.


The City of Bozeman’s downtown district possesses a number of parking resources.  These include on-street parking, off-street parking lots, a parking garage, private parking lots and alley parking.  Continued growth and development have occurred since the last comprehensive downtown parking study was conducted by WTI/MSU in 2010, with updates performed in 2012 and 2014.

This inventory project will have a larger study area than the previous studies, and data collection will be performed in two seasons (spring and summer).  This study will inventory all available parking within the designated study area, as well as examine the occupancy rates, duration of stay, trip purpose, and related analysis metrics for various times of day and various days of the week in spring and summer 2017.


The objective of this project is to update the inventory of available parking in downtown Bozeman, Montana.


  • Ahmed Al Kaisy
    Ahmed Al Kaisy
  • Levi Ewan
    Levi Ewan