Feasibility of Applying CT Technology to the Investigation if Highway Icing

Project #: 428104
Start Date: 02/01/1999
End Date: 12/31/1999
Status: Completed

Bonding of ice and snow to highway pavement is largely due to chemical adhesion. It is possible that mechanical mechanisms, such as “keying”, a mechanical interlocking of ice and pavement, may also enhance bonding. Whether such mechanisms exist must be verified experimentally. Verification requires that suitable observations of the surface connected void space geometry, particularly when snow and ice are attached to the pavement’s surface, be made. Traditionally such observations were made via destructive cross-sectioning techniques. A non-destructive alternative obtains cross-sectional views of a sample from CT (CAT) scans. An exploratory research project is being conducted to examine the applicability of CT in the study of pavement and experimental verification of “keying”. Currently no published information regarding the use of CT to obtain cross-sectional views is, to the project investigators knowledge, available. As a result the first task of this research project is to explore the capabilities of CT as it relates to experimental study of pavement and in particular pavement icing. Included in this task is establishing suitable procedures for scanning both dry and iced pavement samples. The remainder of this project is directed toward obtaining CT scans of several pavement types, grade b, super pave, and chip sealed. Verification of the presence of keying sites and subsequent quantification and characterization of their geometric properties are to be accomplished via the CT scans. Each specimen will be examined in a dry state and when an ice layer is adhered to the specimens surface.


To investigate the applicability of Computed Tomography (CT) technology in the study of highway icing.