FWS Traffic Monitoring Assessment and Demo

Project #: 4W2788
Start Date: 09/01/2009
End Date: 01/31/2012
Status: Completed

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) conducts traffic monitoring programs to estimate the number of visitors at their refuges and other facilities. However, to date FWS has not conducted an assessment of how effective individual technologies are, or how well suited to their specific needs. FWS needs accurate visitation data to complete annual performance plans (which determine funding allocations), and for the development of management tools, such as a greenhouse gas emission inventory that is currently underway. The purpose of the overall effort is to evaluate FWS’ current traffic monitoring practices, and then to develop a series of demonstration projects to showcase available traffic monitoring technologies, techniques, and methodologies that can be implemented to achieve improved visitor estimation. This project represents Phase I, in which the research team will define the present state of FWS traffic monitoring practices, complete a user needs assessment, provide recommendations for improvements to traffic monitoring practices, and develop implementation plans for the demonstration project. (Phase 2, when implemented, will consist of deploying and evaluating the demonstration projects.)


The purpose of this project is to evaluate the current traffic monitoring practices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and make plans for a series of demonstration projects to test alternative techniques for improving visitor estimation.


  • Ahmed Al Kaisy
    Ahmed Al Kaisy