Geosynthetic Design and Specification Review and Update

Project #: 4W3615
Start Date: 06/22/2011
End Date: 12/31/2012
Status: Completed

As described in the final report, Alaska geosynthetic specifications were thoroughly reviewed, and modifications to their existing specifications were suggested based on information from multiple sources accumulated from decades of research and experience from manufacturers, designers, researchers and practitioners. Changes were suggested to update the specification to:
1) improve clarity and flow, make formatting and layout consistent with other Alaska specifications, and maintain active voice,
2) update content to make it more consistent with standard practice, design, recent developments in materials and design, and existing state and federal specifications, and
3) make it consistent with the unique Alaska conditions or standard practices.


Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) routinely uses geosynthetics for soil stabilization, soil reinforcement, separation, mechanically stabilized earthen structures, embankments, drainage, erosion control, pavement, and silt fences. The department’s specifications and design practices have not been updated for approximately six years and, therefore, do not account for new technologies, design practices or geosynthetics.


The main objective of this project is to update Alaska’s geosynthetic design guidelines and construction specifications to provide for the most economical geosynthetic selection while minimizing conflicts and promoting competition.


  • Steve Perkins
    Steve Perkins
  • Eli Cuelho
    Eli Cuelho