Greater Yellowstone Regional Traveler and Weather Information System

Project #: 426099
Start Date: 06/25/2001
End Date: 07/31/2007
Status: Completed

The GYRTWIS project will develop and integrate the pavement temperature thermal model developed by Western Transportation Institute/Montana State University with the #SAFE system that is available in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Information will be provided to the traveling public in Montana through the new 511 phone number. Furthermore, the project will integrate these road-weather systems with other dissemination devices, within Montana and in adjoining states. The new system will provide more information with greater accuracy to the traveling public. The system also will provide detailed forecasts in key mountain passes to state DOT maintenance personal which can be used to improve efficiency of plowing, anti-icing, and de-icing activities. This approach should, if successful, reduce the number and severity of accidents relating to poor driving conditions.


Investigate automated highway system applications in a rural setting and determine evolutionary deployment path.


  • Robert Bramblett
    Robert Bramblett
  • Ed Adams
    Ed Adams