Habitat Connectivity & Rural Context Sensitive Design Within the Northern Rockies

Project #: 4W0856
Start Date: 11/01/2005
End Date: 03/31/2007
Status: Completed

Rural areas in the American West are experiencing a period of rapid population growth. Many local agencies in small, rural towns have limited resources to deal with the challenges of effective land use planning, even though they depend on the scenic and ecological integrity of the surrounding countryside for their continued economic health. Improvements to the transportation infrastructure need to reflect local values, preserve the rural character of the area, and protect wildlife habitats and migration corridors. Although many transportation studies have been conducted to determine context sensitive solutions and help mitigate interactions between vehicles and wildlife, little work has been done to synthesize this information in a concise and meaningful way that is applicable to Montana.

This project will synthesize context sensitive design information that can guide planning in Montana, with a focus on: Land use planning techniques for rural areas, Roadside design elements that preserve rural character, and Preserving habitat connectivity for wildlife.


To synthesize the abundance of information related to sustainable transportation, and specifically context sensitive design solutions, applicable to transportation planners at the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT).


  • Pat McGowen
    Pat McGowen