Helena Area Inclusive Transit Planning (HITP) Grant, Phase 2

Project #: 4W4952
Start Date: 05/01/2014
End Date: 06/30/2015
Status: Completed

Rural communities in Montana face many challenges, including transportation within and to small communities (towns), as well as transportation to larger communities. People living and traveling in these communities need reliable transportation for a variety of purposes, including employment and educational opportunities, as well as medical, recreation and other “life” purposes. The goal of this project is to accomplish objectives (tasks) identified in the Fiscal Year 2015 Helena Area Coordination Plan and the Transit Inclusive Planning for the Helena Area Report (November 2013). The tasks will be completed through an inclusive planning process, including input from senior citizens and persons with disabilities, and other individuals who are frequently referred to as being “transportation dependent.”  Tasks will include:

  • training on successful coordination models,
  • conducting a community transportation inventory,
  • developing a mobility management plan,
  • expanding travel training opportunities, and
  • developing a one-year action plan that identifies high priority coordination opportunities.

The goal of this project is to assist the Helena (Montana) Transportation Advisory Council to implement tasks identified in the Fiscal Year 2015 Helena Area Coordination Plan and the Transit Inclusive Planning for the Helena Area Report (November 2013).


  • David Kack
    David Kack